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Euterpe oleracea is a palm tree native to Central and South America that produces long, drooping clusters of berries. The Aka berry has long been used in South America, particularly Brazil, where it is known for its beneficial properties. Our Akai powder is ground from frozen dried berries to retain its beneficial properties. Berry powder can be mixed with fruit smoothies, added to recipes and colored.


The acai palm (pronounced a-sigh-e) and its berries are native to Central and South America. The palm is thin, about 25 meters high, with branches and leaf-like ribbons. The berries hang in large clusters on the branches. Each tree bears around 20 kg of fruit annually and is one of the most important crops in Brazil. It was revered as an energetic food and was traditionally crushed into wine. Because berries begin to rot within 24 hours of being picked, they need to be quickly dehydrated or made into wine, or dried and powdered in the freezer. 

We ship in 1 pound bags as seen in the picture above.

*NOTE: The information above has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is for educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Due to FDA regulations, Herbastat is unable to provide dosage information or any medical advice. Please consult with a licensed healthcare professional for more information.

Acai (Assai) berry powder

  • Each herb is packaged in food-grade, sturdy, thick Blue bags. These are fantastic for storing herbs, and helps keep them fresh!



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