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Safety & Use

Safety & Use


Safety guidelines per the Botanical Safety Handbook, available through the American Botanical Council.


  • Aloe - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Angelica - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Arnica - For external use only.

  • Ashwagandha - Not to be used if pregnant.


  • Barberry - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Bentonite clay - Use with at least 8 oz. of water.

  • Black cohosh - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Black walnut - Not for long term use.

  • Bladderwrack - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Blessed thistle - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Bloodroot - For external use only.

  • Blue cohosh - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Blue vervain - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Boldo leaf - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Borage - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Buckthorn - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Bupleurum - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Calamus - For external use only.

  • Cascara sagrada bark - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Catnip - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Chaparral - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Chaste tree - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Coltsfoot - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Comfrey - For external use only.

  • Cramp bark - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Devil's claw root - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Dong quai- Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Dulse - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Elecampane - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Eucalyptus - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Frankincense - For external use only.

  • French green clay - For external use only.


  • Gentian - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Glucosamine - Do not use if allergic to shellfish.

  • Goldenrod - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Goldenseal - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Guar gum - Use with at least 8 oz. of water.


  • Horehound - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Horny goat - Not for long term use.

  • Hydrangea - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Juniper - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Kava - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Kola nut - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Lemongrass - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Licorice - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Lobelia- Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Lycii - Not to be used if pregnant.


  • Mandrake - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Mistletoe - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Motherwort - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Mugwort - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Myrrh - For external use only.


  • Oregon grape - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Osha - For external use only.


  • Parsley - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Peach - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Periwinkle - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Pennyroyal - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Pleurisy - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Poke root - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Prickly ash - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Psyllium - Use with at least 8 oz. of water.


  • Quassia - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Queen of the meadow - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Red clover - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Rhubarb - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Safflower - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Sarsaparilla - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Sassafras - For external use only.

  • Senna - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Sheep sorrel - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Shepards purse - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Spikenard - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • St Johns - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Star Anise- recommended for external use.


  • Tansy - Not to be used if pregnant.


  • Uva ursi - Not to be used if pregnant.


  • Watercress - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • White Oak - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Wild cherry - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Wormwood - Consult health practitioner before use.


  • Yarrow - Not to be used if pregnant.

  • Yellowdock - Consult health practitioner before use.

  • Yohimbe - Consult health practitioner before use.

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Timonium, MD 21093

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