When the bees collect the nectar from the flowers, their legs are covered in pollen. These yellow seeds are slowly collected when the bee crosses an obstacle while entering the beehive. Bee pollen has been used by civilizations around the world for thousands of years because of its beneficial properties. This precious pollen can be sprinkled on smoothies, yogurt and salads.Who knows the health benefits of bee pollen better than bees? Bee pollen has a long and rich history in human history.
Both Hippocrates and Pythagoras described bee pollen for its healing properties. Native Americans wore pollen bags around their necks on long food trips to keep their energy levels high. The Chinese, Romans and Egyptians thought pollen was a magic drink. In China, pollen was first described as having a sweet and mild taste more than 2,000 years ago. To date, China is the largest pollen producer in the world, followed by the USA.
We ship in 1 pound bags as seen in the picture above.
*NOTE: The information above has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. It is for educational purposes only. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Due to FDA regulations, Herbastat is unable to provide dosage information or any medical advice. Please consult with a licensed healthcare professional for more information.
Bee pollen powder 1 pound
Each herb is packaged in food-grade, sturdy, thick Blue bags. These are fantastic for storing herbs, and helps keep them fresh!